We Create Wealth for People, Companies and Countries.

We have an exceptional success rate…We add the missing ingredient to your project.  Each project is unique.  What you need might be funding, the right partner, licenses or training.  We work with you to identify the missing ingredient and we deliver it to you.  We disrupt and innovate to ensure we deliver a successful project to the client.  

Hudson Delivers Unique Insights

Something About Us

Wealth creation happens in a risky and highly complex environment. The road to success requires knowledge of the terrain.  Those who understand the rules and know how to navigate the terrain become the winners.  Hudson makes you a winner because we give you a safe passage.  Our clients leverage our contacts, knowledge and experience to take on the world. We can do the same for you.

Built from the ground up

We see what others don’t see

Best Business Strategy

It is impossible to recover from bad strategy.  Strategy is contextual.  Timing and context is everything.  Over the last 16 years, we have demonstrated remarkable capacity developing the right strategy for the right situation at the right time.

Best Financial Structuring

We have been consistently applauded for developing the right financial structuring for the right business circumstance.  We will deliver the best structuring expertise to your project.

Strong Profitable Growth

Growth can be very bad. We develop solutions that deliver profitable sustainable growth everytime.

Your Objectives; Our Expertise

We start by listening to your dreams and aspirations.  We Listen, Strategize, Innovate, Disrupt and Deliver.

What We Do

Our Consulting Solutions

Funding Solutions

We leverage our extensive experience and contacts in developing structured creative solutions to the most difficult funding challenges.  During the last 16 years, Hudson and its affiliates have brought creative solutions to hundreds of projects around the world.

Personal Transformation Consulting

We assist executives and employees become more successful in a balanced manner both professionally and personally in their quest for a more perfect version of themselves. 

Deal Creation and Program Management

Tell us what you are trying to achieve and leave the rest to us

Innovation and Disruption

We love problems that appear impossible to solve…Give us your most impossible problems and we will find a creative solution.

For All Services, Services CLICK HERE

Just ask for their help and they will get you in front of the elusive President, Senator, CEO, Executive Director or Banker that you need to discuss your issues with in most cases in a matter of hours or days.
John Stephens
Top Client
What we have achieved

Our Success

600+ Projects Completed Successfully

We have consulted or operated a business or have a partner in every continent on the planet.  Our extensive experience and contacts has positioned us to gain insights and solutions for small or large entities or individuals as well as very small companies to large conglomerates and governments.

Balance Sheet Restructuring 80%
Personal Transformation Consulting 95%
Revenue Acceleration 73%
Organizational Effectiveness 64%
Program Management 87%
The consultants at Hudson restored my confidence and saved my business. I still can't believe how relaxed they were during the toughest moments. Experience really does matter.
Peter Evans
Top Client
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